The Crypt Sessions

David Greilsammer


Church of the Intercession 550 W 155th St New York, NY 10032
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the long version

After a Summer Break, Season 2 of The Crypt Sessions continues on September 27, 2017 with pianist and conductor David Greilsammer – hailed by The New York Times as “one the most accomplished and adventurous musicians of his generation” – giving the only New York performance of his acclaimed Labyrinth program.(David had been scheduled to perform on April 5, but had to withdraw due to illness. Fortunately pianist/composer/all-around-phenom Conrad Tao was able to jump in and perform in his stead…you can read The New York Times review of that show here – spoiler alert, it was amazing.)David’s performance takes Leoš Janáček’s haunting piece On An Overgrown Path, and interrupts each movement with works by C.P.E Bach, Mozart, and Jean-Féry Rebel, and two U.S. premiere works of Israeli composer Ofer Pelz, turning the path into a musical maze that winds in on itself before finding its way out.Here’s what the artist has to say about the program: “Each one of us has been, at some point in life, lost, disoriented, or in search for a safe and luminous path. This feeling of disorientation, leading at times to inner chaos, can also serve as the force that will push us to begin the pursuit of new routes, new ideas, and new emotions. Walking through the daunting sounds of Janáček’s music, and exploring the mysterious alleys of various enigmatic pieces from early baroque to our present days, I have decided to embark on a musical journey to the heart of a beautiful, abstract, and dazzling labyrinth.”

The short version

“Crypt”…”Labyrinth”…close enough. When you get to hear a pianist of this magnitude playing a program of such haunting depth and potency, words all but lose their meaning anyways…

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